If you have concern for the climate and would like to do something about CO2; Now you can! Help us replace fossil fuel engines in electrical power plants with hydrogen-fueled engines that we are developing. Burning Hydrogen produces water but ZERO CO2.
Electricity generating plants produce more than 1/3 of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) in the USA. Many new power plants use gas turbine engines that produce 29,000 horsepower and cost $10.4 million. They still burn fossil fuels and emit large amounts of carbon dioxide. If they burn natural gas, they still emit tons of CO2.
Battery powered automobiles are not the total solution as they need to get recharged from the electrical grid. The USA does not have enough electricity generating capacity to meet current needs plus recharge batteries of millions of automobiles. We need to increase electricity generating capacity with clean hydrogen engines driving generators in utility electrical power plants.
We think we have the best solution to reduce carbon dioxide. We created a C corporation but we need a prototype to make our stock more attractive for future sales on an accredited intermediary crowdfunding site. Therefore, we need to fund the prototype with donations. We need you to help us fund a prototype by donating $25 and by getting five others to donate $25 or any amount. Also, please ask each of those five people to contact five people.